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Reading’s fun, sometimes, like I would not read at high noon on a Sunday with friends, but I would at like 9:00 if there’s nothing to do. I don’t like reading when I’m forced to do it but I’ll still do it. I enjoy reading when it is quiet and comfy, so not like hard plastic chairs. I don’t like reading when it is not comfy, or my dad is watching Instagram videos at full volume.

Image from Unsplash

I normally read for WAY longer than I mean to read for because I just lose track of time and end up reading for like 40 minutes. I am currently reading Code of Honor by Alan Gratz. It is a book about someone whose brother is a terrorist. I plan on just reading the rest of Alan Gratz’s books, because I think he’s a good author and I don’t like when I have to choose a book, so I just choose one from the same author or a similar book from a different author. When I do read all of an author’s books, or I get tired of a type of book, I just go on Amazon and scroll until I find a book that I think I will like.

 Some books that I would recommend reading are, Tiger in the Sea, by Eric Linder, Projekt 1065, by Alan Gratz & Prisoner B-3087, by Alan Gratz, Although I would recommend Prisoner B-3087 a little bit less because it does get repetitive. I like to read historical fiction. I like it because I like learning about events that happened that I would otherwise know nothing about while also having an engaging story. 

Allies, Mirror or Window?

The book Allies is written by Alan Gratz. It is a historical fiction book about several different peoples perspectives on the allied landing in Normandy, France on D-Day. To start off though, I have to explain what a window and mirror are. They’re not the normal glass ones, in a story a window is a story that shows you a story and not one that you think you have experienced. Meanwhile a mirror is a story where you have felt like you have experienced that story in real life or something similar, and yes, stories can be both.

In my opinion, Allies is a window for me because it is like I am looking at someone else’s story while reading this book and I have never seen, or felt anything close to D-Day in my lifetime. I do not think that there are any details that could make this a mirror if added. This could be different for other people, but it is like this for me.