Comic Project

A few weeks ago in Language Arts class we did a project where we made a comic from a wisdom tale. If you don’t know already, a wisdom tale is a story that was told in the past that is now in this big book called, Wisdom Tales From Around the World. But, a few weeks before that a illustrator named Brittain Peck came to our school to show us how to draw a story with simple shapes like circles, squares, triangles and many others so we don’t get frustrated trying to figure out how to draw somebody’s hand. 

I chose a story that was told in South America called Paca and the Beetle, the story is about a parrot who finds a beetle that’s going on an adventure. Then a rat like creature called a paca comes along and brags to the beetle about his speed while also telling the beetle that he’s slow. The parrot sees this and challenges them both to a race. The paca thinks he’s going to win so he goes slow but in the end the beetle won because he flew. Another part of the project was the moral of the story. For this story, the moral is to be humble. I chose that story because it seemed a little bit funny and I liked the concept of the story and how it was told. 

Some tips for the apps we used to make the comics like Sketchbook, and Comic Life 3. Some tips for Sketchbook are:

  1. If you have multiple different parts for one drawing put them on different layers

    2. You can change the type of pen/brush/marker your drawing with on the left side

    3. Use the ruler function to get straight lines when needed

   4. Use the symmetry function if you need something to be symmetrical

Some tips for Comic Life 3 are

  1. Make sure your images and title are a little more in the center of the paper than the default is so the edges dont get cut off when printing
  2. Use different bubble shapes when characters are talking to convey more emotion
  3. You can change the color of your title and background to make your comic look more appealing
  4. You can choose different presets for your comic to start with to make your comic look more relatable to what you’re writing.

So that concludes my comic project that was fun, tedious, and practically everything in between.