
Every day from September 25th to December 14th we did a plank which we increased by 15 seconds every week. By the end of it, it was 2 minutes and 15 seconds. If you don’t want to do the math, that’s about seven weeks. For this challenge, we did something called the compound effect. Compound effect is when you have something and then you keep adding to that something, not just replacing it. So, over time if you keep doing a plank and adding 15 seconds every week, it should get easier to do a plank that was once hard. This doesn’t just apply to planks, you can do this in almost anything. To keep track of our planking, we used something called a habit tracker which is just a paper sheet with all the days of the year, and when you plank for one day, you color in the square for that day. (image at the top) On my tracker, the only time I missed a couple of days for planking during Thanksgiving break when the last thing I wanted to do was something related to school. On the last day of the challenge, we ended with the plank challenge. The objective of the challenge was to plank for as long as possible. I lasted for 4 minutes and 10 seconds. I do think I could’ve lasted longer if I knew there was candy involved.