Camp Kirkwood

Our first trip of the year was to Camp Kirkwood that lasted from August, 30th to September, 1st. We left on Wednesday at about 8:45 and got there at 11:00. There were three nice charter buses that we rode on, they were packed with duffle bags. When we got there it was pouring and we got all of our bags into a big pavilion. The camp was huge, there were 8 cabins, a dining hall, a pool, a giant swing, a zip line, a lake and a big bouncy thing called Kanga Jump. Did I mention that Hurricane Idalia was coming right to us? It was raining really hard the first day and there was mud everywhere! The lake even flooded a little bit.

The activities were really fun and were the best part of the trip. Some of the activities were tree ecology, swimming, team building, Kanga Jump, V-swing, canoeing, ziplining and gaga ball where we got to see Bubbles the pot belly pig!

My favorite activity was the Zipline, when you were on the zipline you got to go over the lake and see the other people canoeing! More activities that I really enjoyed were the V-swing, and Kanga Jump. The V-swing was really fun, you got pulled up by everyone else and when you got to the top you let go and you swung really high! Kanga jump is a big blob sort of thing that you jump around on and play games, it got really fun when the teachers came on! The pool was fun too. There was a not so deep part of the pool and a deeper end where you could jump in and get everyone wet! There were also these floating things that spin around and everyone was trying to get on it. The first night we were there we watched a movie and had snow cones, the last night we had s’mores at a big fire and sang songs!

When we started to leave we loaded all of our bags onto the buses and got on and drove home. When we got back we got our bags and got in our cars and went home. Overall, I had a really great time at Camp Kirkwood and I’m sure other people did too.


3 thoughts on “Camp Kirkwood

  1. I love how you make sure that everyone knows when it is and where!D
    What a great blog! I especially like how you made sure to include Bubbles because, of course, she deserves it!

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